
Partnersinnyc is a combination of our names, Adrienne Parker and CoCo Zentner, and represents our partnership on this journey to New York City. We are both students at The University of Texas at Austin pursuing Bachelor degrees through the School of Fine Arts. We are so excited to have this opportunity provided through the Undergraduate Development Travel grant for the Spring of 2013. We have designed this blog in order to document everything from our meetings and tours to the food we eat on this 6-day journey in New York!

While both of us are engrossed in producing art, we have a strong interest in continuing our education to the graduate level and pursuing a career in arts administration. We will be visiting galleries in New York and talking with professionals handling the administrative aspects of art and gaining insight for future opportunities in the field.

Having both participated in the Learning Tuscany study abroad program offered through the University of Texas, we have grown as lifelong colleagues, but have developed into motivated, driven students craving for even more enriching experiences. Our goal from now until graduation is to gain the knowledge of what it takes to be successful in the art world. Because we are both extremely interested in the relationship between art administration and the production of art, we feel that it is essential that we travel together as a team. The process of managing a gallery and showcasing art coincide with one another; neither the gallery owner nor the artist can function without the other. By traveling as a team, our respective knowledge from both realms can intertwine, which will only strengthen what we take away from our experience. New York City is our desired location because it is not only the home to the largest concentration of art galleries, museums, and auction houses, but it is also one of the most inspiring places to study contemporary art and partake in this global art market.

Train to Florence